Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp – Jacksonville Superfund Site, Jacksonville, FL
Transforming Today’s Environmental Challenges into Tomorrow’s Opportunities
Transforming Today’s Environmental Challenges into Tomorrow’s Opportunities
Greenfield Environmental Multistate Trust LLC — trustee of the Multistate Environmental Response Trust (the Multistate Trust) — owns and is responsible for managing and cleaning up the Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp – Jacksonville Superfund Site in Jacksonville, Florida.
The Multistate Trust is working to clean up the ±31-acre former Kerr-McGee Site in Jacksonville (the Site). The Multistate Trust is also responsible for facilitating future sale or transfer of the Site for safe, beneficial reuse.
The Multistate Trust is a private, independent trust created as part of a bankruptcy settlement and dedicated to this multifaceted mission in Jacksonville:
Protecting human health and the environment (more information)
Facilitating the safe, beneficial redevelopment of the Site (more information)
Providing opportunities for meaningful community involvement (more information)
Greenfield Environmental Trust Group, Inc. (Greenfield) is the sole member of Greenfield Environmental Multistate Trust. Visit
Thanks to all who joined our in-person availabilities in January to learn about the major cleanup work that began in early 2025 at the Kerr-McGee Superfund Site in Jacksonville. The Multistate Trust, with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), hosted the availabilities to share information and answer the questions of the public and other stakeholders.
Virtual Community Meetings in December 2024
We appreciated everyone who attended the community update meetings the Multistate Trust and EPA held December 11 to explain the cleanup project that started in early January 2025 and discuss other work at the Site on Talleyrand Avenue.
A Multistate Trust contractor for the remediation work operates excavators mixing an in-situ stabilization and solidification (ISS) pilot cell to immobilize contaminated soil in February 2025 at the Kerr-McGee Superfund Site in Jacksonville, Florida.
After years of investigation and planning, the approximately $53 million, two-year cleanup project began in early January 2025 at the Kerr-McGee Superfund Site on Talleyrand Avenue.
The remediation work will include construction of an environmental bulkhead on the St. Johns River shoreline to contain contaminated sediment, construction of a site-wide low-permeability soil cap, in-place soil stabilization, and installation of a groundwater recovery and treatment system.
This remedial action, called the Operable Unit 1 (OU1) Remedy, is designed to address contaminated soil and groundwater on-site and off-site and contaminated sediment and surface water in the St. Johns River. The work is expected to take two years to complete.
See the OU1 Remedial Action fact sheet (December 2024) for more information.
A Multistate Trust construction team member checks the operation of an air monitoring station designed to collect and analyze airborne particulates during cleanup activities at the Kerr-McGee Superfund Site in Jacksonville, Florida.
Air monitoring and other measures will be taken to address dust and odors, protect the health and safety of the Site’s neighbors, and minimize impacts on nearby residents and workers. See the the Air Quality Monitoring Plan for the OU1 remedy.
The Site has been divided into two operable units (OUs) to facilitate cleanup of known contamination. Site-related contamination of sediment and surface water in Deer Creek (OU2) will be addressed by an OU2 remedial investigation that began in October 2024.
Questions or concerns about the former Kerr-McGee Site in Jacksonville? Please contact Peter Cornais of the Multistate Trust at or (904) 512-6739.
The Site is located at 1611 Talleyrand Avenue along the west bank of the St. Johns River in the heavily industrialized Port of Jacksonville.
The Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp — Jacksonville Superfund Site is located along the west bank of the St. Johns River in the Port of Jacksonville.
From 1893 to 1978, Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation and its predecessors operated a fertilizer manufacturing and pesticide and herbicide formulation and packaging facility at the Site. After the operation was shut down in 1978, all structures and equipment were removed from the Site, except for several building foundations. The vacant Site is secured by a chain-link, privacy fence.
In 2010, contamination of the Site’s soil and groundwater led the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to add the Site to the National Priorities List of federal Superfund sites. In 2011, the Multistate Trust assumed responsibility for owning and managing the Site as part of the Tronox bankruptcy settlement.
To the north of the Site is property owned by the Jacksonville Port Authority (JAXPORT) and leased to JM Family Enterprises, Inc./Southeast Toyota Distributors for staging and distributing imported automobiles. To the south is an undeveloped parcel that is owned by CSX Transportation and bisected by Deer Creek.
Visit Superfund Cleanup and Site Overview to learn more.